Well recently I was awoken to the fact that the illustration above was exactly what my life had become. I was working through assignments, ticking them off the list and anticipating the next opportunity to feel a certain level of attainment. I was packing my life with events and goals that I had to achieve in order to feel that I was 'living life to the full', and gradually found myself filled with a sense of apprehension as the day approached upon which I had to make a life-changing decision that would impact the rest of my career.
A lot of us are brought up to believe that we have a destiny and an identity to live up to. School teaches us that unless we perform to a certain standard we aren't 'normal' or 'average' let alone special. Since my last blog I've had such a life-changing few weeks. I found release from these expectations: the majority of which I had placed upon myself. I discovered that life is not a test that we'll one day hear the results of and learn how well we performed.
Each and every one of us has a unique purpose and plan for our lives. But what we can't do is try and understand and account for every little step of the journey. Nobody knows what will come around the next corner, and if we want security and the sense that we're really making the most of our lives on earth, I fear that too often we try too hard to convince ourselves that what we do makes us who we are.
I know now more than ever that my life is for one purpose only - to reflect the glory of my Saviour and get to know Him more. I had convinced myself that I would please Him in what I did and what I achieved, but I had been blind to the fact that all He wanted was my surrender to His love. This epiphany only occurred because I knew deep to my core that the time had come to let go of certain things that I had subconsciously built my life upon and weren't actually the be-all and end-all of my life; yet somehow I had grown to believe they were.
This may not make much sense to those who don't share my faith. But I hope that if nothing else, the knowledge that we are so much more than our title, our status, our position at work, our degree and our talent will strike a chord. I believe that Someone loves us to our core and wants nothing more than for us to love him back with all of our being, without the sense that we must live up to a certain expectation or be a certain type of individual. Sometimes we have to stop in our tracks and really ask ourselves what and who we're living for.
This song lyric really says in a nutshell what I'm trying to express,
"Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are."